限定条件 ((收录类别:EI) AND (发表日期:2012) AND (语种:英语))
Journal of Semicondu 20 Advanced Materials R 11 Journal of Applied P 10
Proceedings of SPIE 10 Applied Physics Lett 9 Chinese Physics B 9
Guangdianzi Jiguang/ 5 Hongwai yu Jiguang G 5 Nanoscale Research L 4
2012 Conference on L 3 Applied Optics 3 Chinese Optics Lette 3
IEEE Photonics Techn 3 Journal of Physics: 3 Optics Express 3
RSC Advances 3 Yingyong Kexue Xueba 3 2012 IEEE 10th Inter 2
Guangxue Xuebao/Acta 2 IEEE International C 2